For professionals

This module is for healthcare professionals (medical staff, carers, social and other front-line workers) involved in any aspect of palliative and end of life care during the last stages of life. Overall, this module alongside the four others, provide a comprehensive resource training, highlighting best practice in palliative and end of life care in Sweden, Italy, Belgium, and Portugal. It can also be used in other parts of the EU with caveat that readers consider the specific national regulations applicable to the subject matter.

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  • When you are part of an end-of-life patient’s care team, helping the patient to talk about death and dying is an important part of your role. You will want to present it in a positive manner; but this can be challenging when the likelihood is that the patient will not
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  • Healthcare professionals who deal with chronic, progressive, irreversible, prolonged, and/or terminal illnesses daily are constantly exposed to patients’ pain and suffering. This repeated exposure to death and suffering, as well as their inevitable emotional involvement, can hinder their ability to separate work from personal life and increase the probability to
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  • Healthcare professionals are often confronted with situations of cumulative grief and death, inevitable yet often challenging realities to navigate. Teamwork, characterized by collaboration, mutual support, and respect, is a fundamental pillar for ensuring effective and compassionate care for end-of-life patients and their families.
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  • Patients’ rights, and corresponding responsibilities of medical staff, are regulated differently across European Member States, especially when we refer to end-of-life care. Therefore, it is important to access detailed information about the situation in a specific country including legal advice.
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